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Damien Leprovost

Damien Leprovost

Data Quality Manager; former Lead Data Scientist

Data Ecosystems and Knowledge Engineering

Few words about me

Currently in charge the Data Quality at the Clinical Data Warehouse of the Assistance Public - Hôpitaux de Paris, I am passionate about data management and knowledge mining. During these 15 years both in public research and private sector, I'm driven by the challenges involving massive data management, data engineering, supervised or unsupervised learning.

Aware of the importance of the readability of processes and the reproducibility of results, I also try to transmit these issues to the students I teach.


For all my students (and others), you will find here all materials related to the lectures I assumed.
Here are the courses that I was in charge of, and author, only.
For any other teachings, please refer to the website of the teacher in charge.

Curriculum Vitae

This section presents my previous positions and related skills.
For more detailled information, don't hesitate to contact me.

Professionnal experience

Data Quality Manager since 2021
AP-HP – Paris, France
Lead Data Scientist 2018 - 2020
Clevy – Paris, France
Software Engineer – Data Engineer 2017 - 2018
Tweag – Paris, France
Knowledge Engineering post-doctoral researcher 2014 - 2017
Limics lab URMS 1142 Inserm – Paris, France
Machine Learning post-doctoral researcher 2013 - 2014
Inria Axis team – Paris, France
Internship in Web development 2009
Ambika – Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, France

Graduate studies

PhD in Computer Sciences 2009 - 2012
Le2i lab, University of Burgundy – Dijon, France
Master’s degree in Business Management 2009 - 2012
University of Burgundy – Dijon, France
Master’s degree in Computer Science 2007 - 2009
University of Burgundy – Dijon, France


Although I am no longer a researcher, you will find here the list of publications where I am involved as author.


Do you have a question? If you need any additional information, have any request or just want to say hello, just send me an e-mail at: